I flew in around midnight on the 22nd and stayed at a nice little father daughter run hotel for a mere $20US a night. It warmed my cockles to stay in such a nice little hotel in Bangkok. I had to use that expression given that it's Bangkok :-)
Thailand is probably "THE" place to go in Asia for a holiday - it's cheaper and more organized than the Philippines, arguably has the best food, is right up with the best places in terms of shopping and beaches, and most everyone is friendly. If they paid teachers half decently I'd move there.
Random photos in and around Bangkok
Above photo of a giant lucky cat in Terminal 21 - the best mall in Bangkok for themes. Each floor is a different city - this floor was Tokyo style
I don't know why I went to San Francisco - the top floor of Terminal 21 was all San Francisco complete with a cable car and Fisherman Wharf. If only they had an In & Out burger. Pattaya did have a Carl's Jr and Sizzler.
Interesting crepe deserts. 75 baht is $2.50 Canadian (30 baht to a dollar)
It's hard to see but these are very small eggs - a little bigger than dollar coin size
The above two shots are outside Siam Paragon Shopping mall - This is a massive high end mall - the fourth floor you could stop buy and purchase a Rolls Royce, Lamborghini, or a top MBL Stereo system (ahem around $500,000US for my non stereo system friends). And of course they, like Hong Kong sell the million dollar watches.
Ronald is giving the Thai greetings gesture. Or the "I pray you don't get sick and sue" gesture.
Someone needs to explain the Asian fascination with poop dolls. It's just plain weird.
Ferrero Roche Christmas Tree outside yet another mall.
The above three photos taken on an insanely cheap boat ride up the river on my way to the Recling Buddha
This is the massive reclining Buddha which if memory serves signifies Buddha's preparation to move to the great beyond.
The gold is dizzying. So is my shirt.
See - Fisherman's Wharf Bangkok style - in a mall!!
You didn't believe me about buying a Rolls Royce in a shopping mall - here you go.
A great restaurant - they have fun with their city's reputation
Santa and his new bride - blow up the pictures to see what their clothes are made from
Pattaya view from hotel's swimming pool. Pattaya is a sleazy dive - but there are places around it that are quite nice.
A VW bus converted into a bar. These were very popular all over Thailand.
A Russian version of the Moulin Rouge - a Russian dancer/escort/prostitute dances in the window while about 6-7 blond bombshells are out front convincing men to go in. You better be rich if you walk into this bar. Your drink, buying her a drink and the cover charge and watching a few dances will set you back around $200-$500US. This is a place for the Russian mob which apparently has taken over this city.
Say what you will but there's no place like Pattaya.
One of the few good zoo/garden (in terms of treatment of animals) in Thailand - 20 minutes outside of Pattaya. I pat him/her behind the ears and he/she yawned - just like my old cats. I want one.
This was an interesting garden - they used the pots to make art - animals, boats and this love mobile
Thai kickboxing - this was not the real deal - just a show illustrating Thai culture - also part of the zoo/garden
The reenactment of the elephant battles of long ago.
The name of the zoo/garden above and an elephant throwing darts at the balloons - he hit it every time.
Elephants giving folks in the audience a ride
Crazy folks from the audience agreeing to lie under the elephant as it walks over you.
Elephant giving this guy happy ending massage - it's Thaialnd for you :-)