Thursday, July 3, 2014

Nearing the Close of My Third Year...

Popular ice cream trucks can be found in many areas of Hong Kong.  $1.25 will get you a nice little cone.

 Love the eyelashes over the headlights of the Beetle.

 Transformers are still hugely popular - A big Optimus Prime in the shopping mall near me.  They certainly got a lot of mileage out of those toys and the 1/2 hour commercial (err cartoon) every morning when I was a kid.  The truck is a store selling the toys and Soundwave and his 5 tapes were selling for $150 Canadian.  Wow I should have held on to that toy eh?  Eesh.  I still have all the original comic books though in a box someplace.  So I'll have to see if they;re worth a few bucks.

 A nice new cubicle as the teaching staff moves to a new room.  It's nice to have a little bit of space.

 And then the next day...

Discovery Bay is an area of the Island I live near and where many Expats live. 

This is the main beach of Discovery Bay - much larger than my little beach - but also a lot more crowded.

This is the kind of ferry that runs to the various islands

It was such a nice day here the other day.  In the distance under the bridge is downtown Hong Kong.

On the way home July 17th and get a little over a month in Canada to enjoy the nice B.C. summer.  Hope to see you all soon.